The Hook Branch consists the following Officers: Chairman Lindsay McDougall, Treasurer, Deputy Chairman, Political. Members include Councillors Mike Morris and Brian Burchfield. The views and comments are of the Hook Branch Conservatives only.
Hook Conservatives

- Hook Conservatives
- Contact us via e-mail with any of your queries regarding the Hook Branch Committee via
Monday, 8 December 2014
Hook Christmas Cracker Conservative Raffle
372, 360, 307, 353, 332, 329, 305, 269 and 279.
Plese contact Lindsay MacDougall for the collection of your proze if you have one of the winning ticket numbers above on 07747 345155.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Dear Mr Webber,I'm happy to detail the facts with regard to what's happening in Hook with respect to development and not add to the misconceptions that are being spread by certain people.Yes the District Councils Local Plan was failed by the Government inspector and it's general belief that it was intentional so that more housing can be built as the Local Plan would have capped housing numbers for the next 15 years.So what can we do? .....certainly knee jerk reactions will not help the situation and the best way forward is to help the current District Councillors with their work to deal with these difficult times we currently face. Support and not criticism is required!Thank you for requesting that District Councillors support your concern but we are already ahead dealing with the concerns you have already highlighted. I summarise below:-1. TRAFFICThe Highways Authority is the Hampshire County Council and they are a consultee on every planning application. When a planning application comes forward which involves vehicle movement or junction loadings they assess each element of congestion, junction safety and safe vehicle movement and includes pedestrian safety. This analysis determines also the vehicle movements from all roads and all junctions taking into account planning applications already passed. As the Authority it's they who have the final word on statutory Highways policy. As your planning member for Hook I ensure along with fellow Councillors we firstly check that the Highways Authority have covered all aspects of safety and question all decisions made. An example of your Councillors good work is the £1.7m being spent on the Griffin North/A30 roundabout to alleviate the extra vehicle movements which Sainsbury's will bring.2. SEWERAGEIt's common knowledge that the Crooked Billet sewerage Pumping Station fails when Hook experiences heavy rain fall and Thames Water accept that this problem is due to surface water permeating into their pipework systems causing the pumps to overload and fail. This results in a Thames Waters "fire fighting" technique sending tankers to empty the pumping station sumps. This is unacceptable and causes flooding problems to residents nearby. So what has been done about this ? Your District Councillors have placed a Grampian Clause, which is a very restrictive condition, on the Sainsbury's, Reading Road and Browncroft's ( and will soon do so to Hop Garden planning application) which ensures no work can proceed unless Thames water resolves the sewerage problems. Thames Water accept they cannot at present accept further loading to their sewerage system and what's required is extensive engineering works.3. HOUSING NEEDThe District Council is currently working very hard on the new Local Plan and so that we can accurately bring forward the correct housing number needs for the District the housing 'need' is being OBJECTIVELY assessed. This analysis looks at the evolving resident growth, the young that are living in parents homes and want to move but not out of the area, older residents that want to move into smaller homes locally and those on the Housing Register waiting for rented dwellings. The retail industry growth in the area is also taken into account along with the growing workforce. This arduous work will produce an accurate objectively assessed housing need for the District. This figure is equality shared around the district and these decisions include the disruptive "Independent" Councillors in Fleet who push as much development away from themselves and towards rural villages.The last Local Plan used housing numbers from the now out of date 'South East Plan' (236 houses to be built per year for the next 15 years) but after much of the work for the new local plan had been carried out the numbers appear to be more around 400 houses to be built by Hart each year for the next 15 years.This will increase the amount of houses being built by everyone in the district. For Hook this will probably mean that the developments in the NE of Hook, Reading Road, Browncroft and Hop Garden will more than likely be part of the new Local Plan and this is one of the reasons why they are so hard to turn down.Therefore coupled with the Government's progressive National Planning Policy Framework planning policy which favours " Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development" and the probability of new housing numbers being raised to around 400 it's difficult to actively object to granting the current developments. The Local Plan should reach the Draft proposal stage by the end of the year which will give more protection to further development. Therefore if a site is deemed sustainable then it could be developed upon (subject to restrictive conditions)....but if it's not sustainable then It can't. Sustainability is something I've been challenging Hart with recently and using a test case I have deferred the Reading Road development for some weeks now because of this. There are other subjects that have a restrictive value to any further development which may present itself like the Thames Heath Special Protection Area capping policy Hart is looking at and viability of any development site as 40% of new dwelling built have to be affordable homes.As you can see planning is a complicated subject and a good deal of experience and knowledge is required to understand the process and manage the way ahead.I'm sorry this has been a long reply but there is much work being carried out on behalf of all Hooks residents and I wanted to ensure you your worries are being looked at and dealt with the best way possible.RegardsMikeMike Morris BEMHart District CouncillorHook and Rotherwick
Thursday, 13 March 2014
READING ROAD DEVELOPMENT Adjacent To John Morgans Close ( gas reducing station)...UPDATE
Monday, 10 March 2014
Should Britain build more bungalows to cope with the ageing population?
Should Britain build more bungalows to cope with the ageing population?
Here is an interesting question for you to ponder: if you had a completely free choice, what type of home would you choose to live in? A castle? A Victorian townhouse? A new-build flat?
This question has been asked in a number of nationwide surveys looking at peoples’ housing preferences, and the answers they gave may seem surprising. According to a report from Policy Exchange entitled Housing and Intergenerational Fairness (published in April of this year), the most popular type of housing is actually the bungalow. A MORI poll conducted in 2002 found that 30% of people would prefer to live in a bungalow if they had the choice, and the preference is even stronger among older people. These findings have since been confirmed by several subsequent pieces of research.
The unexpected popularity of the bungalow raises a number of interesting questions for the UK housing market – questions which have become even more important in light of recent policy changes which could mean that more of them end up being built.
The decline of the bungalow
Of course, people usually only have quite a limited choice when it comes to what type of housing they live in. The most obvious constraint is that they have to live somewhere they can afford, which in an era of rising house prices has meant many of us now have much less space than we would like – Britain now has some of the smallest newly-built homes in Europe, and the problem of shrinking homes has got so bad the government is planning to take action against it.
People also usually want to live in a particular area to be near their friends and family, or so they can be close to their job, which means they are often stuck with whatever type of housing is available there. A notable flaw with the British housing market is that it is not very good at giving people what they want; numerous surveys have shown that the majority of tenants would prefer to be able to buy their own home, while a study produced by the OECD in 2011 (The Price Responsiveness of Housing Supply in OECD Countries) found that the housing supply in the UK is less responsive to demand than in most other developed countries.
Bungalows have been a particular casualty of Britain’s lack of flexibility over the supply of housing. Owing to fears of using up too much of Britain’s green and pleasant land to build houses, as well as the need to regenerate more brownfield sites, government planning policy for a prolonged period has sought to create more housing at higher densities. The current national planning framework handed down to Britain’s local authorities by the central government calls for new housing to ideally be built at a density of at least 30 dwellings per hectare; this focus on higher densities has led to more blocks of flats and identikit suburban developments being built, but has been the enemy of the bungalow.
Only 2% of all houses that were given planning permission during 2012 were bungalows – 1,700 new homes – compared to more than 27,000 bungalows being built each year during the 1980s. Pre-existing bungalows have often been targeted for demolition in recent years so that the land they occupy can be re-used for new developments at higher densities. Some estimates suggest that there could be as few as half a million bungalows left in the entire country. However, if the government gets its way this could be about to change.
A new direction
According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, local authorities are about to be issued with new advice instructing them to build more housing which is adapted for older peoples’ needs. It is projected that over the next 20 years or so, half of all the new households created will be over-65, and the new advice warns councils that the supply of new housing needs to reflect this trend:
“The need to provide housing for older people is critical given the projected increase in the number of households aged 65 and over.”
Local authorities are now being told to encourage the development of greater numbers of bungalows, in addition to retirement villages and developments of sheltered and supported housing. The planning minister, Nick Boles, gave the following quote:
“We must build more homes or suitable accommodation for older people if we are to avoid problems further down the track...We’re all living longer and there will be a big rise in the number of older people in future years. Making sure councils plan for this and for enough suitable homes like bungalows in their area will help ensure the ageing population can live in the places they want and enjoy their retirement.”
Could this help young people too?
Although it is primarily aimed at assisting older people, this policy shift could well turn out to be beneficial for younger people too.
This is because housing is closely tied to a person’s life-cycle. Generally speaking, when someone is alone or co-habiting they need a relatively small amount of space to themselves, but their housing needs then increase once they start to have children and get involved in permanent relationships; they typically need additional bedrooms and a bigger garden. Once someone reaches old age, their children have usually left home, and it may no longer be economic for them to pay for all the bills and upkeep costs which living in a larger home entails; they may even start to develop health problems which mean they need some form of supported housing.
Therefore, a well-functioning housing market should enable people who can afford it to trade up to larger houses while their housing needs are growing and then downsize once they feel it would be beneficial to do so. However, Previous research undertaken by IF (Hoarding of Housing: The intergenerational crisis in the housing market) has shown that Britain could have 25 million “missing” bedrooms in houses which are being under-occupied because not enough older people are downsizing, creating a bottleneck in the housing supply which makes it harder for younger people to move into family-sized homes.
This is partly because the large baby boomer cohort, which is now ageing, came of age during the years when Britain was building many more houses than it is now, so the market was able to respond to their need for family-sized homes. However, as we have now had an extremely inflexible supply of new housing for over 20 years, the market is not responding to their need for properties which are designed for older people to downsize into. If the government’s new planning regulations lead to more older people downsizing then more of us might get to live in the kind of homes we actually want to live in, which would be a better outcome for all of us, young and old alike.
Nick Boles wants more bungalows built
Planning minister Nick Boles wants more bungalows built because most pensioners want to “end their days” in one.
Nick Boles
He told a planning conference the amount of bungalows built in the past few years had dropped because developers were focusing on higher density developments.
“When you ask people where they would like to end their days, a lot of them say they want to end their days in a bungalow,” he said in comments reported by the Daily Telegraph.
“If we’re going to provide for more bungalows we’re going to have to provide more land than we otherwise would.”
Boles said developments with bungalows could face less local opposition and said that more housing for pensioners should be built in town centres.
Friday, 7 March 2014
I've been able to put together a 'village to meet your MP' meeting so that the development issues within hook can be discussed.Therefore would you please forward the below details of the meeting which is being held on Friday 14th at 7.30 pm at the Basingstoke Country Hotel to all your contacts so we can have a good attendance.James Arbuthnot and Ranil Jayawardena intend to absorb the detail of the many emails James has received from the residents of Hook and try to answer these questions.The general format will be :-1. Cllr Stephen Parker the planning portfolio holder at HDC Cabinet will speak on how current planning policy affects planning decision making in these difficult times2. MP and Candidate for MP to respond to the many emails sent by residents and explain what they are going to do about these problems3. Questions from the floorTime limit 1 hour.RegardsMike Morris BEMHart District Councillor
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Monday, 3 March 2014
As your Ward planning member I have spent many hundreds of hours studying hundreds of planning applications within Hook and Rotherwick and I have worked conscientiously with each Parish Council to ensure applications are fairly and honestly determined. Even though I was fully aware that Brown Croft and The Reading Road developments were within policy I went against my impartial principles and was one of only a few on the planning committee to vote against both applications as I didn't agree with the locations and still had concerns about the traffic. The later concern I will deal with professionally and the former I'm still not happy with but policy has determined its outcome.